Tuesday, October 22, 2013

27 Dogs That Will Do Anything For Kids

1. This patient pup that will play doctor to amuse this little girl.
2. These heroes that will save the world with Superman at their side.
3. This dog that will serve as a canvas for this up-and-coming artist.
4. This dog that will embrace the cone of shame to have secret meetings with the tiny human.
5. This partner in crime that will take the blame for making a total mess.
6. This dog that will pray beside his master before going to bed.
7. This security guard that will babysit while the parents go out to dance.
8. This lovable pup that will give Eskimo kisses on command.
9. This dog that will be a personal sofa when Dora the Explorer is on TV.
10. This criminal that will go to jail for fighting the cat.
11. This Chihuahua that will happily go to show-and-tell for a class project.
12. This best friend that will help construct the toughest of toys.
13. This dog that will be the pony every kid has always wanted.
14. This dog that will spy on the neighbors to catch a glimpse of the girl next door.
15. This cool dog that will be a support system on road trips.
16. This German shepherd that will be the best kind of pillow to nap on.
17. This dog that will be a crib companion any time of day.
18. This tired guy that will transform into a bed when it’s time to go to sleep.
19. This golden that will groom hair when kids can’t.
20. This dog that will help execute an escape plan.
21. This dog that will accompany his fairy princess on backyard adventures.
22. This fluffy pup that will converse in even the smallest of spaces.
23. This dog that will follow orders, no matter how strange they may be.
24. This dog that will become a Dalmatian if you really want him to.
25. This companion that will wear colorful hats to entertain his friend.
26. This fur ball that will play with you in the snow, even when it’s cold outside.
27. And this dog that will finally help you reach the cookie jar.

Monday, October 21, 2013

10 Things You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

There are many naturally occurring phenomena that truly don’t look like they should exist. From fire tornados to glowing fungi, all of these images are completely real. You can find any of these things in nature (although it might take you a while to track them down).

Your jaw is going to drop; it’s hard to believe these are REAL.

1.) Red tide
2.) Glowing fungus known as “foxfire” or “fairy fire”
3.) Oddly shaped columnar basalt
4.) Fire rainbows
5.) Insane haboob dust storms
6.) Mammatus “bubble” clouds
7.) Rainbow bark
8.) Vertical light pillars
9.) Fire tornadoes
10.) Blue holes

Most emotional moments caught on camera!

When you maryy with the love of your life, the moment gets really, really emotional!

See for yourself 10 suc moments caught on camera.

How to build your own Microscope with just $10 using your Smartphone

This is a new Viral Video that reached over 200.000 views in just 5 days from uploading.

This guy demonstrates us how to make a Microscope using a Laser, our Smartphone and some other simple tools.

I watched the whole video and it made me think building a thing like this. You should totally check him out too and tell us your oppinion.

Faitful dog would DIE for his Owner

This kind of devotion is ver rare to be seen, I was very impressed of the dog's reaction when his Master jumped in the water.

He was somehow fooled by the fact that he was drowning and went straight to save him, even risking his own life.

I am waiting for your comments about the below video.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Unless You’re Insane Or Evil, Stay FAR Away From These Places. Seriously.

There are many places on this Earth that humans just aren’t meant to be in. They are nightmarish glimpses of hell and horror that should be tucked away and stay that way. But, if you’re feeling brave (or insane) it would be easy to visit any of these places on this list.

Although, they just make us feel a whole lot of NOPE.

1. The Door to Hell, Turkmenistan: The large, fiery pit was originally a gas field that was set on fire by Soviet scientists, because they thought that’d be a fine idea. It has been burning continuously now for over 40 years.

For some reason, spiders are drawn to this real-life Hellmouth and swarm there by the thousands. We think because of the evil.
2. Island of the Dolls, Mexico: This place is a mostly uninhabited island in Xochimilco, Mexico. According to the legend, a girl died in the canals surrounding the island.
After her death, dolls began to wash ashore. Then, the one inhabitant began hanging the dolls as a tribute to the deceased child.
3. Centralia, Pennsylvania: Centralia is the real-life Silent Hill (and the movie was based on this location, right down to the creepy church). It was once a mining town until the coal veins under the city accidentally caught fire.
The mines have been burning continuously since 1962.
4. Muynak, Uzbekistan: Muynak was once a busy port city on the Aral Sea.
The Soviets unintentionally drained it while creating irrigation. Today, the skeleton boats still sit on the dry sea bed.
5. Kabayan Mummy Caves, The Philippines: These manmade caves are full of some of the most well-preserved mummies in the world.
They are isolated in a remote mountain. They are filled literally to the brim with corpses.
6. Kryziu Kalnas, Lithuania: The “hill of crosses” was once a ceremonial site where Lithuanians would mourn their dead lost at war.
The Soviet Union bulldozed it twice, only for the locals to build it even bigger. There are over 100,000 crosses there today.
7. Cincinatti’s Subway, Ohio: In the early 1900s, Cincinatti attempted to build a subway system, but they ran out of funding.
The empty tunnels still exist, half-way finished and running along the underbelly of the city.
8. Akodessewa Fetish Market, Togo: Over half of the population in Togo continue to practice indigenous beliefs, they have a market specifically for those beliefs.
You can find dead animals, bones and mysterious concoctions. Travelers should probably avoid said market.
9. Wonderland, China: The Chinese government attempted to build a Disneyland-like theme park, but much larger. They faced construction problems and the project was trashed.
The remains of the theme park are still standing today, completely open to anyone brave enough to visit.
10. The Catacombs of Paris, France: The Parisian Catacombs hold approximately 6 million bodies. The space spans the entire city, full of macabre scenes.
It’s the city beneath the city… but it’s for the dead.